Sunny Blue

how to wear a mens chambray button down

So, let me just tell you.
This is one of my favorite shirts in my closet right now. I snagged this denim button down from the men's section at my local thrift store. Ladies, if you've never taken a stroll through the men's section of any store - it's highly recommended. Once in a while you just might stumble upon some items to add to your closet. Which brings me back to the original topic, my love for this shirt. I can't seem to wear it enough.

Wearing Coach bag and Betsey Johnson wedges

how to mix blues and style a Zara flounce mini skirt 

Being that the fit is really big and baggy on me, I always pair it with something fitted so my shape isn't completely swallowed by the size. For this particular bright and sunny day, I decided to pair the shirt with my flirty Zara skirt with an asymmetric hem. The fun shape of the skirt definitely enhanced the silhouette of my blue ensemble. And just to spice things up I added my classic coach bag for a twist.

how to wear an oversized button down with a mini skirt

What do you think?


{Outfit Details: Thrifted button down, Zara skirt, Betsey Johnson heels, & Coach bag} 

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